
Lego UV Printer with Jig for Lego Printing

Lego UV Printer

Above you will see our video demo for showing how our printer prints the Lego minifigures, also our Lego UV Printing Machine can print the Lego Bricks. We can print parts of the Lego minifigures with our UV printer. Below is our A4 UV Flatbed Printer usually used to print small items.

Lego UV Printer is a UV printer that can print images, designs, text, pictures, and photos on Lego.

  • Custom images on Lego Minifigures
  • Make content on Lego Bricks
  • Print photos on Lego Bricks Puzzle

Suppose you are looking for a minifigure Lego UV Printer at a low cost. Then you get the correct place as we are the small-size UV flatbed printer manufacturer.

You can use our Lego Minifigure UV printer to customize what you would like to print on.

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Choose Lego UV Printer for You

For small items like Lego minifigures and Lego brick printing, we recommend to use a small size flatbed printer like A4 UV printer, or WP2030S UV printer, but if you want to print on larger size like the photo Lego puzzle bricks, you can choose a larger size Lego UV printer which suitalbe to your printing request. 

Jig and Fixture for Lego Printing

We have detailed tutorials about how we use our Lego UV Printer to print the Lego Minifigure and the bricks. Also, we have a Jig/Fixture/Template for Lego UV Printing, for our customers who purchase the UV printer for Lego printing, we can provide a FREE jig, if you need this Jig please just feel free to talk to us for it.

Lego Jig for minifigures

Jig for Lego Minifigures

You can see in the video above we print on minifigures that we have a set of Jig for the Lego minifigure printing, with feedback from our customers, we separate parts of minifigures for printing. 

Jig for Lego Bricks

Also with customers request, we upgrade the Lego brick jig to suit each side and size of the Lego bricks, so you can make any printing process for different side of the Lego bricks.

Side of Lego Minifigure Printing

We have detailed tutorials about how we use our Lego UV Printer to print the Lego Minifigure and the bricks. Also we have Jig/Fixture/Template for Lego UV Printing.


Lego Arm Side Printing

Lego Arm Side Printing

You will be able to print something on the side of the minifigure torso arm, but you only print on the outer side as the jig can support the outer side printing.

Minifigure Leg Side Printing​

Minifigure Leg Side Printing

Leg side printing is easy and we have a jig to hold the leg on the left and right side, then you can make what image you want to show on the minifigures leg side.

Lego UV Printer For Bricks

Lego UV Printer can also do the printing on the Lego bricks, you can use the printer to print any design and image on each side of the Lego bricks. Below we have some customer sample printing request video for your reference. 


Tutorials for Lego UV Printing

Printing on Lego is very easy with our Lego UV Printer according to our Lego printing tutorials, you will have a list of videos telling about how to make images, set location, and print out. Of course, we have the template PNG file to suit our Jig which we provide FREE when you purchase the Lego UV Printer.

Customer Reviews of Lego UV Printer

2020 from USA

A customer from the USA purchased our UV flatbed printer for Lego UV printing. 

There have been a lot of customers who purchased our Lego UV printer for the Lego items printing. A customer from the USA has been using our Lego UV printer for more than 2 years since 2020.

More Photos of Lego Printing

We have been printing Lego minifigures and brick samples for customer, if you are interested in the Lego UV printer you can be kind to send us your design to us we will print the sample for your reference. 

Lego UV Printer
Lego UV Printer
Lego minifigure printing
Lego UV Printing
Lego Star War Minifigure printing
Lego UV Printer

Contac us for sample Printing request!

Get Lego UV Printer for Small Business

We have been printing Lego minifigures and brick samples for customer, if you are interested in the Lego UV printer you can be kind to send us your design to us we will print the sample for your reference. 

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You can get a price of this model or send us any question to get any information you would like to know, we will reply to you soonest.