Below video is from our customer in USA, Mr. Ishmael who purchased our WPR230v18 flatbed printer in February 2016 for priting USB credit card, After using for a year, in February 2017, Mr. Ishamel decided to purchase our UV printer WP1390UV for printing more pomotion items.
WayPrinter has been in the flatbed printer market since 2007, we are an original manufacturer thus we have experience in service as we keep having feedback from our customers all over the world. Contact Us for any questions!
WAYPRINTER is the leading manufacturer of UV and DTF printer, since 2007, we provide thousands of printers to customer all over the world.
Contact us right now to get more information, we will have people reply within 12 hours.
You can get a price of this model or send us any question to get any information you would like to know, we will reply to you soonest.